(Nederlands) Voorlichtingsbijeenkomst 29 november 2017
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch.
Medio 2016 viel mijn oog op de vacature lid Landelijke Commissie Gedragscode inkomende mobiliteit. Aangezien internationalisering mijn persoonlijke en professionele leven enorm heeft verrijkt en binnen ROC de Leijgraaf mijn aandachtsgebied is, heb ik mij meteen aangemeld. Deze pilot maakt het immers mogelijk om de instroom van buitenlandse niet-EU studenten aan te jagen. Een unieke kans […]
On May 22nd 2017 the annual vocational education-congress was held in the Learnhotel Het Klooster in Amersfoort. This congress has been organized by DUO. As in previous years the congress was well visited. Besides different presentations several workshops where held on the areas of development, improvement and quality of education. Special guest of the […]
The umbrella organizations for vocational education have a clear vision on the internationalization of education. This is necessary because economies become more and more interconnected. Internationalisation improves the quality of Dutch graduates and it enriches the educational environment. In this environment, there is next to the internationalization of education for Dutch students, also room for […]
Three months ago, the Pilot Code of Conduct Incoming Mobility VET level 4 (Code of Conduct) started. Meanwhile, there are seven schools listed in the register of the Code of Conduct. One school will receive the first international participants soon. In the meantime, the National Commission met twice. The Commission consist of three members […]